Saturday, February 21, 2009

Advice Girlfriend Can You Help?

Advice Girlfriend - I met this guy. We got to know each other really fast. He became so friendly with my family, they loved him! Even the dog! The only thing is we became such an 'outrageous couple' our friends couldn’t keep up with us.

We went to the best places in town – that no one we knew, could afford. We had splendid holidays at Club Med, but fought furiously; over the most trivial things.

We were totally incompatible! But we had such a 'ball' together. We were double happy doing all the wrong things. What kind of things are you asking, Advice Girlfriend?

Well we liked nothing more than blowing our wages at the casino, maxing out our credit cards, spending up and drinking like there was no tomorrow. You know those people you see chanting on 'two-up' at the end of a big night at the Casino? That was us!

I need advice from you, girlfriend. You're so mature, you've been around the world so many times, have met the right people and just know it all.

Who better could I ask for. It's just that my family like my wild boyfriend, he was like a ray of sunshine to them. They thought him so much fun. Little did they suspect we were so wild together. So I can't disappoint them, what do I do to get him back?

I know that you've not always been a font of knowledge. You noticed back at university, how easily it was to score top marks in sociology. Didn't you tell us that? You had a knack. You seemed to understand, empathize and predict the motivations of people. If only you’d decided upon a career in it!

Out of sheer frustration you've taken on the task of helping people to work their love lives out. Why? Because that’s what we need of you. Our own 'real girlfriends' are probably not able to – they’re way too busy and way too involved in their own lives.

This I know, Advice Girlfriend. Only too well. Ask them to a party? That’s different. Tell them about winning Lotto, they’ll be all ears. A movie ? No problem.

But our love life? No they’ll probably tell us if I can get an Advice Girlfriend to help sort that out, go ahead. It’s just too hard and too much a time ‘sink’ for them. So keep your girlfriends free from your burdens.

Advice Girlfriend is just a simple workaholic, plugging away, not finding much reward at the end of it all. Most days, in fact are very similar for Advice Girlfriend – until she got this marvelous idea she’d help those in love need in this blog.

She’d contribute by offering advice on her blog, Squidoo, Hub pages and Ezine articles. You’ll find her all over and probably by different pen names. She’s happy with her lot and just wants to help you with yours. So Advice Girlfriend, how do I get him back to please my family?

Anybody got any comments on this one? Advice Girlfriend is still out on it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hi Advice Girlfriend Here

As a self appointed advice girlfriend, I feel an enormous pressure to speak to you from the heart. I can't say to you that you've done it all wrong and should have listened to your mother or your 'inner voice' can I? No you won’t get that kind of advice from me (just as well).

I’ll just do my best to give you some of my experiences – for what they’re worth - about, well love and life, I guess.

No .. we all make our own bed, in love, and lie in it - in more ways than one. And if you're reading this you obviously have made some decisions and selected various males or females as friends and lovers. What did you do that you wish you hadn't?

Not that much is difficult or impossible to undo anyway, in my solitary opinion.

However when someone has got into your heart' and you've allow them, what do you do? Firstly is it a happy occurrence or a bit of a disaster?

As advice girlfriend I'm imagining it may well be something you were longing for and, in the end, GOT it. Don't they say "be careful what you wish for, you might just get it?"

Well now it's there, it’s time to adjust and move into the area of being a couple. This isn't always as smooth as you'd like. In fact it may well be downright full of dust and rocks and unpaved roads, unfortunately.

I really can't say any of this applies to you. I just know what I've been through. The longing for a good and decent person in my life and then when he came along, I noticed that my single dom had gone and I was suddenly in a different phase, shall we say.

The advice girlfriend had to make an 'elegant transition' (or try). It was kind of exciting, kind of scary, kind of 'adult' - yes she had to grow up! We all do eventually. Your advice girlfriend had to grow up fast as the world was suddenly not revolving around her anymore.

There was now, a 'significant other' to consider; and you know what? She wouldn’t have it any other way. Talk to you soon.

In case you need to get back someone 'special' to you. Advice girlfriend will help here

You can also (website) Advice